Comprehensive Harm Reduction (CHR) is a set of public health strategies intended to reduce the negative impact of drug use including HIV, hepatitis C, other infections, overdose and death among people who are unable or not ready to stop using drugs.
CHR includes the distribution of sterile and disposal of used hypodermic needles and syringes, education, referral to drug treatment, testing, and an array of other health services.
Comprehensive Harm Reduction (CHR) sites must be authorized by the State Health Commissioner. CHR standards and application materials are available on this page. As of July 1, 2020, organizations wishing to conduct CHR programs will have fewer restrictions in establishing services and obtaining authorization. The major changes to the previous law are:
CHR sites can be established in any jurisdiction in Virginia. The previous law allowed sites only in specific communities at greatest risk for a Hepatitis C or HIV outbreak.
Potential sites are no longer required to obtain letters of support from law enforcement, local government, and the local health director in order to apply.
CHR program participants now have protection from prosecution for possession of paraphernalia acquired through the program. Previously only CHR site staff and volunteers had this protection.
The number of mandatory core services has been reduced, which may enable smaller organizations to apply for authorization. Agencies seeking VDH funding, however, must still offer the full range of CHR services.
Authorized CHR Sites in Virginia
Lenowisco Health District
Daniel Hunsucker (276) 298-9957
Mount Rodgers Health District
Tammy Bise (276) 781-7450
Health Brigade
Colin King (804) 358-2437
Council of Community Services
Lisa Via (540) 982-2437
Strength In Peers
Kirk Saunders (540) 217-0869
Chris Atwood Foundation
Jason Purcell (703) 662-6076
Virginia Opioid Resources
If you need assistance with substance use call:
National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
For questions about HIV or hepatitis contact the Virginia Disease Prevention Hotline at (800) 533-4148 or For information about CHR programs, contact Bruce Taylor at or (804) 864-8015.