72 Hour Peer Recovery Training
This training is for adults who have lived experience with substance use disorders and/or mental health challenges or a supporter of a family member or loved one who has gone through these challenges.
Ethics for Peer Recovery Specialist
Participants will learn to interpret situations through awareness and fact finding, formulate ethical decisions and action steps. This is a 6-hour Continuing Education Credit and can be used towards re-certification efforts.
REVIVE! Trainings
REVIVE! is the Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education (OONE) program in Virginia. REVIVE! training is one strategy in the harm reduction toolbelt designed to overcome the negative consequences of opioid use.
Advocacy 101
Through the power of storytelling, SAARA hopes to seek real policy change in the upcoming legislation that is recovery-focused. What is advocacy? What are the best storytelling tactics