
Alive RVA Recovery Warmline
1 -833-4PEERVA (1-833-473-3782)
Alive RVA Warm Line is a program funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Opioid State Targeted Response Grant. The Opioid-STR grant program was developed to assist states in their abilities to increase prevention measures, access to treatment, and recovery support services for individuals suffering from opioid abuse. In partnership with Richmond Behavioral Health Authority and Mental Health America of Virginia, the line offers peer-to-peer support to those navigating through recovery.
Team Lead: Lynda Clarke
Project Coordinator: Dawn Farrell-Moore, RBHA

Recovery Groups
Join a SAARA Recovery Group Meeting - online and in person!
SAARA provides supportive, peer-led recovery groups at a variety of times. These groups focus on addressing a variety of recovery needs—mental, physical, spiritual, and financial—while also targeting behaviors and encouraging change. These peer-led groups are facilitated by trained Peer Recovery Specialists who use their personal recovery experiences to guide and support others. This environment allows participants to share their recovery journeys in a safe, judgment-free space.
All groups are facilitated by professional peers and are free of charge. All are welcome!
Access virtually by clicking the Zoom link provided below:
Join our free Recovery Groups in person at:
RVA Light
504 W. Broad Steet, First Floor
Richmond, VA 23220
Questions? Reach out to Anika Richburg.
Or find a comprehensive list of additional Peer Run resources here.

Behavioral Health Docket
The Behavioral Health Docket is specialized criminal court dockets within the existing structure of the City of Richmond’s court system that enables the judiciary to manage its workload more efficiently. Under the leadership and regular interaction of presiding judges, and through voluntary offender participation, the Behavioral Health Docket addresses offenders with mental health conditions and drug addictions that contribute to criminal behavior. The Behavioral Health Docket employs evidence-based practices to diagnose behavioral health illness and provide treatment, enhance public safety, reduce recidivism, ensure offender accountability, and promote offender rehabilitation in the community. In partnership with Richmond Behavioral Health Authority and the City of Richmond,
SAARA provides Peer Recovery Specialist to assist with both the Behavioral Health and Criminal dockets. In providing one on one supports to those seeking recovery, facilitating in-house recovery groups, and assisting the judicial teams/clinicians as needed the peer-to-peer relationship greatly improves the chances of long-term recovery.
Read latest Virginia Behavioral Health Dockets 2020 Annual Report
Questions reach out to Anika Richburg
Community Outreach
Meeting People where they are.
Are you interested in having SAARA at your event or present to your group/organization? Contact: communications@saara.org
Contact Us
2222 Monument Ave
Richmond, VA 23220
Email: info@saara.org
Tel: 804-762-4445
Fax: 804-762-4333