SAARA is Proud to be a Certified Living Wage Employer

We at SAARA of Virginia are proud to announce that we have been certified as a Virginia Living Wage employer. As a recovery-focused organization, we recognize the importance of paying our employees a livable wage, and the struggle faced by many working Virginians who are not adequately compensated for their time and effort. As such, we will continue to fight to put resources into the hands of Virginians across the Commonwealth who are struggling with substance abuse and addiction so that they may receive the help they need.

Living Wage Virginia, a joint initiative by the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and various local advocates, is partnering with communities and organizations across Virginia to support living wage certification programs. SAARA encourages all employers to commit to offering a living wage to their employees, as we believe this is just one part of making Virginia a hospitable environment for people in long-term recovery.


SAARA Launches ‘Voices for Recovery’ Campaign


SAARA joins National Partners in calling for Congress to reduce barriers to treatment